The Builders Ladder - Podcast Episode

The Glass Ceiling Stopping You From Growing Beyond $3m total sales and $400k company profits


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Has your construction business hit a brick wall?

That’s totally normal! Builders think more projects are the solution when they hit a profit plateau. Well, they’re wrong.

Turns out, the sledgehammer you need to smash this figurative brick wall is your identity. How?

Marti and Owen are spilling the beans in this episode! They’re cracking open “The Professional Builder’s Roadmap”. This is your guide from starting up your construction biz to growing it to significance. Think of it as your business GPS, with you steering the wheel. Along the drive, you’ll wear three hats: builder, business owner, and entrepreneur. Different stages of the biz need different identities to solve their unique problems.

But how do you evolve into your final form of entrepreneur extraordinaire? No worries, we’re breaking it down like this:

  • Why You’re Not Growing from Your Builder Identity
  • 3 Critical Factors to Shift from Builder to Boss
  • 3 Aspects of Accountability for Business Growth
  • Setting things straight for smoother operations
  • How to use performance reviews to level up your team (and yourself!)
  • Building a business that doesn’t need you glued to your desk 24/7
  • Uncovering hidden gems for growth in the construction world

Time to ditch the toolbox because you are BUILT TO LEAD! Tune in, write down your takeaways, and start your construction biz journey here!

Resources Mentioned

Health Audit

How healthy is your building business? Find out now.
About Your Hosts

Too many building company owners work long hours for very little profit, aren’t able to spend time with their families, and are stressed to the limit.

This is not your fault.

You can be the best builder in the world but trade school doesn’t teach you how to run a business.

This is why we created The Professional Builder.

Gaining control over your business doesn’t need to be hard.

Our proven systems have been used by 5,000+ builders from New Zealand, Australia, USA, UK, Canada, and all around the world to get back their freedom.

How Does Your Building Company Compare?

Take our 43-pt “Business Health Audit” to see how your business compares to others, and identify which areas to focus on for the biggest results (80/20 principal).