Our preferred partners that provide products & services to our members.

For information on our partnership programme please contact : karla@theprofessionalbuilder.com

Construction estimating & job management software
NZ– Australia – USA – Canada

Collaborative and accurate construction estimating software
New Zealand – Australia 

Leading health and safety management system
New Zealand – Australia

Trade supplier of hardware and building materials
Manukau, Auckland, NZ

Consent plans for renovations & minor building projects
New Zealand

Quantity Surveyors
Construction cost estimation

New Zealand

Expert building and construction accountants

Cloud-based accounting software for small businesses
NZ – Australia – USA – Canada – UK

How Does Your Building Company Compare?

Take our 43-pt “Business Health Audit” to see how your business compares to others, and identify which areas to focus on for the biggest results (80/20 principal).