The Builders Ladder - Podcast Episode

Go from Lowball to Profitable with These 4 Pricing Strategies


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Don’t be stuck in the “cheap builder” trap. If you are bagging lots of projects and can’t see any growth in your income, we hear you.

Pricing for profit can be tricky. Especially when you’ve built a reputation as being the affordable builder next door. The last thing you want is to lose potential clients who can’t afford your higher rates.

But here’s the reality: you can’t build a sustainable business if you’re losing money.

On this episode of The Builders Ladder Podcast, we’re tackling PRICING for PROFIT. We want to help you get the confidence to charge higher. Because, as cheesy as it sounds, professional builders like you deserve to get paid more!

But how do you improve your pricing? Here are some strategies we talk about:

  • Why you should consider hiring a Quantity Surveyor (04:21)
  • Fixed price vs. Cost plus model (09:23)
  • Pros and cons of in-house and outsourced QS (13:00)
  • Target profit margins for every project (16:33)
  • What’s keeping you from setting higher margins (22:04)

Tune in for a valuable deep dive into pricing strategies built for builders. You can scale your business without sacrificing profitability.

Remember, your expertise deserves to be paid its worth. Let’s help you get there!

Serious about increasing your rates? Download our FREE “Pricing for Profit Calculator”: Pricing for Profit (

Resources Mentioned

Health Audit

How healthy is your building business? Find out now.
About Your Hosts

Too many building company owners work long hours for very little profit, aren’t able to spend time with their families, and are stressed to the limit.

This is not your fault.

You can be the best builder in the world but trade school doesn’t teach you how to run a business.

This is why we created The Professional Builder.

Gaining control over your business doesn’t need to be hard.

Our proven systems have been used by 5,000+ builders from New Zealand, Australia, USA, UK, Canada, and all around the world to get back their freedom.

How Does Your Building Company Compare?

Take our 43-pt “Business Health Audit” to see how your business compares to others, and identify which areas to focus on for the biggest results (80/20 principal).